
Fascinating Holiday--Sadie Hawkins Day

"It's become my responsibility [to include Sadie Hawkins Day every year in the strip.] It doesn't happen on any set day in November; it happens on the day I say it happens. I get tens of thousands of letters from colleges, communities, and church groups, starting around July, asking me what day, so they can make plans." ~Al Capp, originator Lil' Abner cartoon strip

Sadie Hawkins Day, today, is named after a cartoon character created by Al Capp for his cartoon strip Lil' Abner. Sadie Hawkins was a girl who lived in the hills. Homely, boys were not lining up for dates. Her father, Hekzebiah Hawkins, decided to have a foot race where the eligible bachelors of Dogpatch ran and Sadie chased after them. She got to keep whomever she caught.

This story appeared in the comic strip Lil' Abner on November 13, 1937. The very next year, on November 9, 1938, Sadie Hawkins Day was celebrated, often by a group of women hosting a dance and asking men to be their dates.

Al Capp wrote a story for Sadie Hawkins in the comic strip each November for the next 40 years.
See the Day's Wiki Page here; and some books about Lil' Abner. An article on Miss Cellania has links for more Sadie-related stuff.

Source Articles: Sadie Hawkins Day Wikipedia; Mahalo: Sadie Hawkins Day; lil-abner website;